Tarjetero de aluminio EPSOM
Ref: KC2225
Tarjetero de aluminio.
0,77 €
Sin imprimir TOP OF LID
75x45 BOTTOM
Grabado a láser:
Grabado a láser:
Grabado a láser:
Impresión digital:
Impresión digital:
Entrega prevista:
7 febrero *
A partir de 200 euros Transporte Gratuito
* Plazo de entrega estimado una vez aprobado el diseño del producto
* Contáctanos para pedidos mayores de 25000 unidades
Solicitar presupuesto
Características del producto
stdClass Object
[ref] => KC2225
[cataleg] => Midocean
[preu] => 0,44
[preuoriginal] => 0,44
[name] => Tarjetero de aluminio
[extendedinfo] => Tarjetero de aluminio.
[brand] => EPSOM
[printcode] => 40000970
[item_width] => 9X6X0,5 CM
[item_weight] => 0,024 KG
[material] => Aluminio
[packaging] => n n n n n n n n n n n
[imagemain] => https://cdn1.midocean.com/image/700X700/kc2225-17.jpg
[images] => Array
[0] => https://cdn1.midocean.com/image/700X700/kc2225-17.jpg
[1] => https://cdn1.midocean.com/image/700X700/kc2225-17-print.jpg
[categories] => Array
[0] => Bolsas y Viaje
[color] => Plata Brillo
[variants] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[refct] => KC2225-17
[colourname] => Plata Brillo
[size] =>
[imagemain] => https://cdn1.midocean.com/image/700X700/kc2225-17.jpg
[stock] => 22683
[print] => stdClass Object
[DO1] => stdClass Object
[name] => Doming
[maxcolour] => 8
[manipulation] => B
[areas] => stdClass Object
[TOP OF LID] => stdClass Object
[areaname] => TOP OF LID
[areawidth] => 75
[areahight] => 45
[areaimg] => https://printposition-images-api.cdn.midocean.com/KC2225-17_POS1.jpg
[preuSetup] => 35,00
[preuHandling] => 0,07
[preuPrint] => stdClass Object
[1] => 1,64
[50] => 1,05
[100] => 0,58
[250] => 0,49
[500] => 0,42
[1.000] => 0,36
[2.500] => 0,33
[5.000] => 0,32
[10.000] => 0,30
[20.000] => 0,30
[preuType] => NumberOfPositions
[L2] => stdClass Object
[name] => Grabado a láser
[maxcolour] => 0
[manipulation] => B
[areas] => stdClass Object
[TOP OF LID] => stdClass Object
[areaname] => TOP OF LID
[areawidth] => 75
[areahight] => 45
[areaimg] => https://printposition-images-api.cdn.midocean.com/KC2225-17_POS1.jpg
[preuSetup] => 20,00
[preuHandling] => 0,07
[preuPrint] => stdClass Object
[1] => 0,68
[50] => 0,39
[100] => 0,35
[250] => 0,29
[500] => 0,24
[1.000] => 0,21
[2.500] => 0,19
[5.000] => 0,18
[10.000] => 0,17
[20.000] => 0,16
[preuType] => NumberOfPositions
[BOTTOM] => stdClass Object
[areaname] => BOTTOM
[areawidth] => 75
[areahight] => 45
[areaimg] => https://printposition-images-api.cdn.midocean.com/KC2225-17_POS2.jpg
[preuSetup] => 20,00
[preuHandling] => 0,07
[preuPrint] => stdClass Object
[1] => 0,68
[50] => 0,39
[100] => 0,35
[250] => 0,29
[500] => 0,24
[1.000] => 0,21
[2.500] => 0,19
[5.000] => 0,18
[10.000] => 0,17
[20.000] => 0,16
[preuType] => NumberOfPositions
[INSIDE OF LID] => stdClass Object
[areaname] => INSIDE OF LID
[areawidth] => 70
[areahight] => 30
[areaimg] => https://printposition-images-api.cdn.midocean.com/KC2225-17_POS3.jpg
[preuSetup] => 20,00
[preuHandling] => 0,07
[preuPrint] => stdClass Object
[1] => 0,68
[50] => 0,39
[100] => 0,35
[250] => 0,29
[500] => 0,24
[1.000] => 0,21
[2.500] => 0,19
[5.000] => 0,18
[10.000] => 0,17
[20.000] => 0,16
[preuType] => NumberOfPositions
[P3] => stdClass Object
[name] => Tampografía
[maxcolour] => 4
[manipulation] => B
[areas] => stdClass Object
[TOP OF LID] => stdClass Object
[areaname] => TOP OF LID
[areawidth] => 75
[areahight] => 45
[areaimg] => https://printposition-images-api.cdn.midocean.com/KC2225-17_POS1.jpg
[preuSetup] => 30,00
[preuHandling] => 0,07
[preuPrint] => stdClass Object
[1] => 0,66
[50] => 0,48
[100] => 0,26
[250] => 0,18
[500] => 0,15
[1.000] => 0,12
[2.500] => 0,11
[5.000] => 0,09
[10.000] => 0,06
[20.000] => 0,06
[preuType] => NumberOfColours
[BOTTOM] => stdClass Object
[areaname] => BOTTOM
[areawidth] => 75
[areahight] => 45
[areaimg] => https://printposition-images-api.cdn.midocean.com/KC2225-17_POS2.jpg
[preuSetup] => 30,00
[preuHandling] => 0,07
[preuPrint] => stdClass Object
[1] => 0,66
[50] => 0,48
[100] => 0,26
[250] => 0,18
[500] => 0,15
[1.000] => 0,12
[2.500] => 0,11
[5.000] => 0,09
[10.000] => 0,06
[20.000] => 0,06
[preuType] => NumberOfColours
[INSIDE OF LID] => stdClass Object
[areaname] => INSIDE OF LID
[areawidth] => 70
[areahight] => 30
[areaimg] => https://printposition-images-api.cdn.midocean.com/KC2225-17_POS3.jpg
[preuSetup] => 30,00
[preuHandling] => 0,07
[preuPrint] => stdClass Object
[1] => 0,66
[50] => 0,48
[100] => 0,26
[250] => 0,18
[500] => 0,15
[1.000] => 0,12
[2.500] => 0,11
[5.000] => 0,09
[10.000] => 0,06
[20.000] => 0,06
[preuType] => NumberOfColours
[PD4] => stdClass Object
[name] => Impresión digital
[maxcolour] => 8
[manipulation] => B
[areas] => stdClass Object
[TOP OF LID PD] => stdClass Object
[areaname] => TOP OF LID PD
[areawidth] => 94
[areahight] => 56
[areaimg] => https://printposition-images-api.cdn.midocean.com/KC2225-17_POS4.jpg
[preuSetup] => 30,00
[preuHandling] => 0,07
[preuPrint] => stdClass Object
[1] => 0,88
[50] => 0,74
[100] => 0,46
[250] => 0,40
[500] => 0,37
[1.000] => 0,26
[2.500] => 0,24
[5.000] => 0,24
[10.000] => 0,24
[20.000] => 0,24
[preuType] => NumberOfPositions
[BOTTOM PD] => stdClass Object
[areaname] => BOTTOM PD
[areawidth] => 93
[areahight] => 60
[areaimg] => https://printposition-images-api.cdn.midocean.com/KC2225-17_POS5.jpg
[preuSetup] => 30,00
[preuHandling] => 0,07
[preuPrint] => stdClass Object
[1] => 0,88
[50] => 0,74
[100] => 0,46
[250] => 0,40
[500] => 0,37
[1.000] => 0,26
[2.500] => 0,24
[5.000] => 0,24
[10.000] => 0,24
[20.000] => 0,24
[preuType] => NumberOfPositions
[sizeVariants] => Array
[colorVariants] => stdClass Object
[Plata Brillo] => https://cdn1.midocean.com/image/700X700/kc2225-17.jpg
[colorVariantsArray] => Array
[0] => Plata Brillo
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